Order context advertizing and increase your sales.
Context advertisements placement
The advantage of context advertising is that it is placed to the most popular Internet resources – searching systems. We place advertisements to the most well-known searching systems. In Russia they are Yandex, Mail.ru, Rambler and Aport, the main world grounds such as Yahoo and Google. A great number of people launch the websites every day searching for needed goods and services.
When professional approach and careful planning take place, context advertising becomes one of the most efficient ways of increasing sales.
We will help you place your advertisements to the following advertising grounds:
Yandex Direct (Russia, Yandex, Mail.ru and other websites of the network); Begun (Russia, Rambler, Mail.ru and other websites of the network); Google Adwords (Russia and the whole world, Google and other websites of the network).
How it works
We choose key words connected to your advertising campaign and buy them from searching systems. The visitors who input these words in the search line see your advertisement. E.g. if a user inserts phrases ‘rent a flat’ of ‘buy real estate’, he or she will get advertisements placed by a real estate agency.
Context advertising is exactly focused on your target group. It launches immediately, and the result can be noticed on the next day. Powerful statistics gathering systems allow you to track the efficiency of the campaign, the number and motivation of visitors. An important advantage of context advertising is payment only for the result. It means that you pay only for those visitors who opened your website or called you through the context call service. The minimum budget of an advertising campaign is 16000 rub. The cost of service is only 5000 rub/month.
Launching a campaign
It takes only one or two days to launch an advertising campaign. It is the time needed for our specialists to select key words, to place and adjust the advertisement. It means that tomorrow new clients will start visiting your site. An indubitable plus of context advertising is also the fact that it is possible to change the advertisement in the way you like. You can:
include new goods
stop advertising the goods that are temporary out of stock
announce new sales and discounts, etc.
The changes will take place almost at once.
Advantages of working with Webis Group
Efficient targeting the audience
You get potential clients and pay only for the result. Moreover, we provide a wide range of advertising grounds. It means that you can place advertisements to the most effective websites without useless payments.
Flexibility of the campaign
We will help you reveal the most profitable areas of advertising and to distribute the budget to these areas. You will get detailed information about the visitors’ behavior and preferences. Considerable decrease of contact price We will reveal the drawbacks and give recommendations on how to optimize your website (above all, the first page). It allows minimizing the number of people who left the website because they couldn’t find the needed information.
High quality service
We will use a great number of key words and advertisements You will be able to make as many corrections as you like You will get monthly reports You will be able to track the budget in real time
Making use of context advertising, you will decrease the advertising budget significantly; we guarantee that you’ll get output of many times.
How much it costs
You pay only when a user clicks your advertisement and moves to your website. The cost of a click differs depending on your aims and the level of competition in your area. The minimum click cost is 30. Our specialists will help you estimate the optimum budget of your advertising campaign.
The cost of the service depends on the difficulty of the work and is estimated personally. Our consultant will assist you in choosing the proper way of advertising and in determining its cost.
How to order an advertising campaign
Choose the ground of advertising
Contact our specialist to determine optimum budget
Pay the bill
The rest is our business. We will select the key words and compose the advertisement, and you will get a guaranteed result.
If you want to learn more about context advertising, contact our specialist right now or fill in the form on the website.